Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Big Day

Hi Everyone!

Here we are in Georgia, and today is our big day. We had a wonderful trip yesterday and some time in the evening last night to just hang out and get ready for today.

As of 12:00 AM this morning (or last night, if you prefer), Miles's birthmom can't change her mind--her revocation period is over.

Our social worker called yesterday, and in addition to getting to meet our precious little boy today, we will also get to meet the birthmom. We were expecting to get to do this at some point, but not necessarily today. So, here is our schedule:

!:00--meet the caring home mom at the doctor's office for Miles's first check up (we're so glad we get to go to this with him)

3:30-4:00--go back to the caring home and meet our social worker there for the official placement

7:30--meet the birthmom for dinner with Miles and the social worker

Thank you all so much for praying for us. We are so excited and overwhelmed by God's goodness. We will add some pictures from today when we have a chance.

~Stephen and Jill


  1. Praying for you as you go forth into this exciting day!

  2. yay!!! so excited for you!! God is so great:)

  3. Yeah!! So happy for you.

    I LOVE adoption!

    May God's hand be upon you and may your heart's be filled with joy and praise to Him!

    Enjoy your new son!

    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted
